
Our Services



Private Training

Wiggly Pups specializes in providing custom, in-home training for your pup. Whatever your need, whatever their quirk, we will create a unique system to best train your pup to make them the pet you know they can be! Contact us today to set up a one on one session with Kyle and get your training started today!


Barks & Babies

Congratulations! You're having a baby! You can help your pet cope with this big change in the same way parents help children understand that a new brother or sister will be joining the family. By following the tips discussed in this lesson, you can ease your pet’s stress, help them welcome your new baby, and ensure that your pet always stays where she belongs – with you and your growing family.


Discs & Dogs*

Do you love to play disc golf and wish your pup could come play with you? Need a reliable canine caddie for those difficult rounds? Wiggly Pups can train you and your pup to be the perfect disc golfing partnership. Join Kyle for a round and teach your pup proper manners from the tee box to the basket. 

*Basic Obedience training required



Puppy Beginnings

Got a new pup at home? Whether you are a first-time dog owner or an experienced trainer, puppies can be a lot of work! While some training issues can be taken care of in a single session, puppies often need a few to get their education rolling in the right direction. Puppy packages can be a great way to save money and know that you're going to be getting your puppy what they need to succeed both in and out of your house. 


Pick your pup

Picking the right pup for your family is not always easy. There's a lot to consider when trying to find that perfect addition to your home. Let Wiggly Pups help you navigate the many decisions ahead of you in order to find the most successful match possible.


Mountain manners*

Hiking around the many beautiful trails in Colorado is a great way to get some exercise for both you and your pup, but sometimes their behavior makes it more exhausting than it needs to be. If you wish your furry friend had better mountain manners such as recall, sit/down and stay for those much needed snack breaks, or leash reactivity towards your fellow furry hikers you are not alone. Come on a hike with Wiggly Pups and learn how to mold your favorite hiking buddy into a hiking partner.